What I'm Reading
When you get a chance to introduce people to social media, what do you cover? What resources do you recommend?
I had a meeting today with a new-to-social-media-but-diving-in-headfirst communicator on campus and we covered some pretty basic stuff like Twitter, Google Analytics, and Technorati. I offered to send her some blogs that might be helpful.
So here’s a selection from my feeds (in no particular order). Anything that’s missing that I should subscribe to?
Higher Ed
- eduStyle Blog
- .eduGuru
- Berkman Center Newsfeed
- collegewebeditor.com
- Communications Services Blog
- edVangelist
- Karlyn Morissette
- mStoner Blog
- The Chronicle: Wired Campus Blog
- Trending Upward
- Wayne State Web Communications Blog
- Seth’s Blog
- chrisbrogan.com
- Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik
- seachangestrategies.com
- Social Media Explorer
- Grown Up Digital
I feel like this is a pretty short list… but I do try to unsubscribe as much as I subscribe (or I simply can’t keep up). What would you recommend for social media or higher ed marketing newbies?