
I am available for workshops and consulting engagements on a select basis. Please email to discuss your project.

Interactive Marketing Strategy

Gone are the days of making pretty websites. Now we must work to ensure that our online presence is effective, usable, measurable, and integrated. We have to consider email marketing, social media, mobile web, and deep integration with our other campaigns. And it all has to get results (that you can measure). I can help you create an interactive strategy designed to accomplish your goals while avoiding the usual pitfalls.

Web Governance

Higher education has begun to treat the web as the significant brand asset that it is. With that comes organizational structure, team-building, and institutional standards. But do you centralize or distribute your team? Should you plan strategically or fund the group through a charge-back model? My experience with a variety of higher education models can help you design the governance strategy that’s appropriate for your institution.

Email Marketing

Direct marketing is still an effective and powerful way to reach, educate, and convert. And email can be one of the most effective and inexpensive ways to do this – if you do it right. No other tool provides the level of instant measurement and response as a well-crafted email marketing strategy. I can help you integrate email into your recruitment, retention, and fundraising efforts.

User Experience and Usability

“Usability testing” used to by synonymous with expensive and time-consuming usability studies. Today, we can gain those valuable insights by carrying out inexpensive and quick tests many times throughout a project. I can provide training so that your team can learn how to design, execute, and interpret their own tests.

About Chas Grundy

Chas is the director of interactive marketing at the University of Notre Dame and an active member of the higher ed web community, blogging at, tweeting as @chasgrundy, and speaking at conferences and workshops. He also serves on the board of directors of CASE Indiana and consults for various non-profits.

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