
The Holy Grail of Higher Ed Web Governance

Every website has a consistent look and feel, one that clearly identifies itself as part of the institution. The overarching themes and messages come through loud and clear, never varying. Every sentence has a common voice. Everything is completely up to date. And the site goals get measured and ...

March 17, 2011 — 0 Comments

Post-Launch, Part 2: Payoff and Performance

In Part 1: The Dangers of Letting Your Website Stagnate, I argued that a website project never really ends – that the risks of leaving a website alone can actually cost you money, and not just from missed opportunities. So what do you do after launch? The answer to that begins before launc...

March 10, 2011 — 0 Comments

Post-Launch, Part 1: The Dangers of Letting Your Website Stagnate

We all know the feelings of a major web project – the rush leading up to the launch, the last-minute jitters, the discovery of problems, and the relief of finally going “live.” Websites are long projects. But unlike many other marketing materials, launching a website isn’t...

February 25, 2011 — 0 Comments

St. Peter, Patron Saint of Website Content Management?

Josh Stowe posted a series of tweets today about the Notre Dame Alumni Association implementing a central editing and approval process for all of their website content: Excited about switching to a centralized content approval process. Anyone can draft, my team approves/publishes, and thereR...

September 16, 2010 — 0 Comments

3 Dirty Secrets of Enterprise Content Management

Every year universities and colleges embark on a quest for an elusive beast: the content management system. Many of these organizations have a dream: a single system for the entire university to store, manage, and distribute content. They call it enterprise content management (also known as eCM)....

May 11, 2010 — 0 Comments