Long time, no post

April 10, 2007

Posted in Personal.

I’ve got a lot of posts I’m working on, but it’s been a while since I posted anything. That’s because I’ve been ridiculously busy with a few projects:

1. SouthBend.rbJohn Nunemaker asked me to present at the Ruby Users Group. Rather than try and present a topic, I decided to take the opportunity to knock out one of my filed-away-for-later ideas. In just a week, I designed and developed an app that could save me hundreds of hours down the road.

2. The Notre Dame Web Group is doing some cool, new things. We’re creating new infrastructure and the tools to support our growth. This means growing pains and lots of hours. It’s fun, but the first thing to go are my side projects.
3. I’m really excited about Camp Tannadoonah this summer. I’ve been tinkering with a few ideas (video podcasting? Camp wiki? we’ll see!) and helping with some non-marketing projects. We’re building an amphitheatre and low ropes course. Registrations are coming in fast and it’s looking to be an amazing summer.
So I’m making excuses about not posting. But the three things I described are going to pay off for you, the reader. Soon I’ll share my SouthBend.rb project, some insights into the NDWG, and some sweet updates on my Camp marketing efforts.

Until then, go kill some time at Zwok.